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    • 恩智:她不可逆转【影视解说】
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    7.0 HD


    • 主演:金柳妍 金辰根 朴善宇 
    • 导演:?? 
    • 分类:影视解说
    • 地区:韩国 
    • 年份:2019 
    • 更新:07.05
    • 简介:Yeonmo Island is a small and serene island. Eun-ji enters the island for some peace, with a guitar and some scuba gear. The men in the fishing village



    Yeonmo Island is a small and serene island. Eun-ji enters the island for some peace, with a guitar and some scuba gear. The men in the fishing village start stirring, as a beautiful woman appears. Especially Yong-tae, the president of the island, and his subordinates, Yoon-gil and Byeong-sam, look creepily at her. One day, Eun-ji finds out that the men in the village have blocked the boat that is supposed to get her off the island. The residents, the police and everyone else gathers around her…


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