简介:Not long after the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles opened in 1924, a guest committed suicide in one of its rooms, beginning a decades-long string of murder
简介:在险恶的日据时代,赛德克族被迫失去自己的文化信仰,男人须服劳役不得狩猎、女人帮佣不能编织彩衣,骁勇善战的英雄莫那鲁道(林庆台 Ching-tai Lin 饰),见证三十年来的压迫统治。因一场误会种下日警和赛德克族的紧张关係,自此族人便活在恐遭日警报复的阴霾中,忍辱负重的莫那鲁道在深思后,虽知将面临灭
简介:Charlie and a rival vie for the favors of their landlady. In the park they each fall different girls, though Charlie's has a male friend already. Char