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    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:未知
    • 分类:恐怖片
    • 地区:日本 
    • 年份:1988 
    • 更新:06.30
    • 简介:  The goriest and sickest scenes from the Guinea pig movies all in one movie.  -------------------------------  IMDB User Comments:  The best of Guine


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      The goriest and sickest scenes from the Guinea pig movies all in one movie.  -------------------------------  IMDB User Comments:  The best of Guinea Pig, 30 October 2001  Author: Lord of All Fevers & Plague from The Netherlands  The Slaughter Special is nothing more than the best Of Guinea Pig. It includes scenes from some Guinea Pig volumes like Guinea Pig 1 and Guinea Pig 2 :Flower Of Flesh And Blood. If you're new to Guinea Pig, this might be a good introduction to the series...if you're not, it's probably not worth watching.


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